Greed is Good
“Greed is Good” is a FALSE statement.
Since the beginning of the industrial revolution greed has taken hold of our psyche, has infected our culture, has fueled unsustainable “growth” in every sector of our western economies;
- Lowered the nutritional value of food production in order to increase profits,
- Polluted our rivers, lakes, seas, air, our earth with plastic and toxic substances that will remain there long after we are gone.
- Removed democratically elected leaders because they chose to resist greed in favor of sustainable inclusive development,
- Stimulated the increase of fraud and adulteration in basic health prοmoting and health protective foods such as olive oil,
- Lowered the standards of medicine to below the level it was 2500 years ago. We went from prevention of disease to managing symptoms regardelss of the negative side effects.
- Wars were initiated under false pretenses for no reason other than to increase profits for the industrial military complex,
- Increased cheating in sports to gain fame and fortune,
Their logic is as perverse as their ethics and morals. Their lust for money and power above all has destroyed lives, destroyed countries, is close to destroying planet earth, but worst of all it has destroyed our sense of our own humanity. Greed has slowly weakened our individual rights, taken away our choice, buried our free will under a blanket of false and misleading media/propaganda claims and counter claims from which there is no clarity… it only fuels the confusion.
The confusion is like a cloud of darkness descending that allows the greed to thrive and prosper. The grand success of this greed virus is that it has been accepted and now fully supported by the ones that suffer under its brutal tyranny. We vote in our own tyranny of greed. Whether they are from the left, center or the right the greed grows and flourishes. We all have to live under their version of rule-of-law for 4–5 years until we vote in someone else and the dance continues and the greed grows and dances on our heads, our souls, and our weakened and sickened bodies and minds.
Unable to think, make rational decisions, or resist the temptation we become more and more programmed to believe that our captors are our friends much like the stockholm syndrome
They pervert logic and common sense as Gecko so perfectly personifies in this clip form the movie Wall Street.
How can you resist this type of logic? This is what happens when “you know the price of everything and the value of nothing.” Oscar Wilde
“2.5 million shareholders made a profit of 12 billion.” “Greed will not only save this company but also the other malfunctioning corporation the… USA”.
A country is not a corporation. Having a businessman run a country is a recipe for disaster. A corporation only acts to the benefit of its shareholders. Citizens are not shareholders they are the people that manage the wellbeing of each other and their country. They pay their taxes. They go to war. They get poisoned and slowly die from the pollution caused by the corporations. We are fed their industrialized food production; cheap and convinient — but at what cost? The corporations pay little tax and have no duty to the country or their workers or their citizens. The do only what they are forced to comply with by the government; which is not much.
Consumerism that is left unchecked leads to constantly producing replacements for gadgets and tools we use every day. This built-in obsolecense is not to the benefit of the citizens. It only benefits the corporations. It hides the inflationary practice by off shoring jobs and importing cheap goods. The fact they have to be replaced every year is not factored into the cost of the products by our economist geniuses. In fact these products have more than tripled in price although the economists claim there is no inflation because the price for each has dropped.
Reminds me of the joke about the chiropractors: How many chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb? Only ONE. But they have to change the light bulb twice a week for the rest of your life.
They do not take in consideration the length of time before you need to buy a new one. If they did they would know the true inflation rate. The musical chairs continue until someone yells STOP.
COVID 19 was an opportunity for all of us to say STOP. Take a step back and assess and reorganize before it’s too late. The cat is out of the bag. This is not the first or last virus. It is the most deadly so far. To deal with it and what is yet to come, will not only require a reassessment of our manufacturing abroad policies but also a deeper look into the damage industialized food production has done to our immune systems.
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